Friday, April 17, 2009

Fake friends.!

1.fAKE frIEnds
Someone who only acts as your friend when they require a service from you.

2.fAKE frIEnds
Someone who uses you
Someone who talks to you to damage your social life
Someone who talks to you even though they don't like you
Someone who can be very jealous and insecure
Someone who talks behind your back without regrets

3.fAKE frIEnds
A person; male or female that makes you think that you two have common interests and enjoy hanging out with each other only to find out that they talk bad about you behind your back and secretly hate you because they are either jealous or mental.

1 comment:

DaVina LoVe said...

smoga kita gak bakal pernah dapet fake friends deh -____-